Labels:book | reckoner | sky OCR: Macintosh Plus Features Benefits I megabyte of RAM expandable Qurckly execues applications even mceabytc those requiring large sUnowE ides room IOJ memory -iniensive applications, l:arge xdels and dat: bases Simplifes moving betveen documents pur- cutting pue pas sting ilara Ixeween ther -br Ictting kad several applica- tions inlc? menay with the Swicher program. I.cts ou puedxa easily withou txard swapping .. 8OK huili-in clisk drive Provides nore surage capacity applications, tle 'urents. Fonts and clesk accessories Means fewer disks tc sap anl manage. Offers conpatibility with single- --sided 4(KOK disks. .. . . . . - SCS1 (Small Computer System clata cIn 1E: to 265 kilobyles per Interface} poit up SX time: fasrer than werial or extenal disk-drive ports JeLs you expand your avstem writh ...